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Since our founding, we’ve been helping hospitals ensure 24/7 prospective medication order review, primarily during nights and weekends when many pharmacies were closed. Over time, we’ve seen our clients start to utilize our services in very creative ways. Some are more obvious, such as covering for an extended leave of absence, but others may surprise you.

As a telepharmacy client, you may not have thought much about our system integrating with your EHR. You already know that we built our software to help us manage fax and scanned orders as well as CPOE orders from a single source, and that our processes are patient-centric vs. med order driven. 

As cardiac disease, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses rise worldwide, and as the population ages and the U.S. faces a predicted physician shortage, many health systems and health plans have embraced telemedicine as an option to grow their markets and continue care to patients remotely.