Community Hospitals Tag

Telepharmacy is the practice of pharmacy from a remote location utilizing telecommunications technology such as computers and video screens.

Pharmacists are highly trained and highly compensated, yet many hospital pharmacists spend their days in front of the computer reviewing and verifying medication orders. Most hospital pharmacists chose to work in the hospital setting rather than a retail setting in order to apply their clinical

The increasing demands of clinical programs and decentralized models are part of why we’re seeing more hospitals picking up on the option to use telepharmacy, and not just for nighttime coverage. To uncover the capabilities of vendors, here is a list of the top five questions I recommend every hospital leader ask when exploring telepharmacy.

Clinical pharmacists are in high demand. The volume and complexity of drug therapy is expanding. Drug costs are rising. And leadership must ensure the safe use of medications. Meanwhile, clinical pharmacists are being recruited from patient care to other roles. These and other factors are…